“Mobility, health, and wellness for the entire family, with a special focus on babies & infants.”

Questions & Answers

Have a question? We’ve collected some of the most common things we’re asked by our patients below.

Click or tap on a question to display the answer.

Are you currently accepting new patients?

Yes, our Chiropractors and Registered Massage Therapists are currently accepting new patients, and a referral is not necessary.

What is your cancellation policy?

We ask for 24 hours notice when cancelling an appointment. We also understand that sometimes it’s not possible to provide a full day, especially for patients who are on-call, or if an emergency occurs.

We try to be as flexible as possible and generally only bill a “Missed Appointment Fee” of $60.00 if a patient fails to keep a scheduled appointment with very little or no notification (i.e., a “no show”).

Can you bill my extended medical provider directly?

We are able to bill your medical provider directly if your coverage is through:

  • Manulife
  • Sun Life
  • Great West Life
  • Pacific Blue Cross
  • Green Shield
  • The RCMP
  • Veterans Affairs

Do I qualify for MSP assistance?

Effective January 1, 2017, there have been some positive changes to MSP Premium Assistance. These changes could mean you qualify for chiropractic care through Premium Assistance, which provides you with a reduced rate for up to 10 chiropractic visits every year!

Here are the details:

  • Full Regular Premium Assistance is available to those whose adjusted net income is $24,000 or less (an increase from the previous $22,000).
  • Premium Assistance is available to those whose adjusted net income is up to $42,000 (an increase from the previous $30,000).
  • If you have already completed an application and are currently receiving Regular Premium Assistance, you don’t need to reapply.
  • If you haven’t applied, use the premium assistance eligibility calculator to determine if you’re be eligible (and apply for Regular Premium Assistance).

Questions? Learn more by contacting Health Insurance BC.

Is there a discount for seniors?

No, we don’t charge a different rate for seniors. However, we do aim to keep our rates as low as we can.

Do I need an appointment, or can I just walk in?

We are not able to accept walk-ins for your initial visit, as time needs to be allocated and paperwork completed.

We do accept walk-in patients who have been in previously, but priority is to those that have an appointment. If there is an upcoming space available we will let you know so you can choose to wait or return at that time. It’s always best to phone ahead to check availability.

Tip: We do keep a cancellation list and we’re happy to call you if we get an opening for either an initial appointment or a follow-up.

Do you work with ICBC claims? What do I need to bring?

Yes, SouthCare does work with clients going through an ICBC claim.

We will ask you to provide:

  • the ICBC claim number;
  • the date of the accident; and
  • the name of the adjuster allocated to the claim (if available)

We’ll also have you fill out some extra paperwork relating to the accident and injuries sustained.

Do you provide direct billing for WorkSafe BC (WCB) claims?

No. As of March 2023 SouthCare Chiropractic no longer offers direct billing for clients who have a WorkSafe BC (WCB) claim.

I have coverage through the RCMP or Veterans Affairs. What do I pay?

RCMP members and Veterans get 100% coverage, so there is no user fee unless they have exhausted all their coverage.

  • RCMP members: please provide us with your member ID number (this usually begins with an “R”) to use for arranging claims.
  • Veterans: please bring your VAC Health Care Identification Card – we need the ID number that starts with the letter “K”. We require this number in order to authorize the first claim; once that is done, patients are usually covered for ~20 visits.

How long is a chiropractic visit?

Your initial visit takes 30 minutes. Subsequent visits are approximately 10 minutes long.

Tip: You can learn more about your appointments on the What to Expect page.

Do the adjustments hurt?

No, not usually. You may feel a slight discomfort while your muscles adjust to their new position and adapt to increased movement. You might also hear a “popping” noise, similar to when your ears “pop” from changes in altitude. This sound is perfectly normal and completely safe, caused by vibration and pressure equalizing in the joint.

What should I wear to my appointments?

Comfortable pants or shorts are preferred. Yoga pants or jogging pants work well, although we do have gowns in the office if you prefer to wear one.

What are your hours?

Please refer to our Contact page for our current clinic hours.

Who can benefit from chiropractic?

Everyone can benefit from regular adjustments! This includes pregnant women and babies right through to seniors. Chiropractic will keep your alignment in check which in turns helps your brain and body to perform at their optimal levels.

We’re here to help the entire family!

Do you have example exercises that I can do at home?

Yes! The Canadian Chiropractic Guideline Initiative (CCGI) has recently launched a new series of exercise videos for patients that we’re really excited about. You can learn more on our Exercise & Nutrition page.

Do you have a question we didn't answer? Use our contact page to get in touch, or jump over to our Facebook page and ask!

These guys can help you!!!

Jennifer M.